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Les livres blancs de Talkdesk

Livre blanc - Great expectations: Satisfying the modern consumer - Talkdesk
Avis client / consommateur

Great expectations: Satisfying the modern consumer

"Effective customer experience leadership—along with the right technologies, approach, and culture—is more critical than ever. In this report, customer strategy expert Brad Cleveland gives his insight into five ke...

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Livre blanc - Le modèle de maturité Talkdesk pour l’expérience client - Talkdesk
Expérience client

Le modèle de maturité Talkdesk pour l’expérience client

"Dans le service client, chaque instant est une expérience qui compte. Les consommateurs veulent que leurs problèmes soient résolus en temps réel, que cela soit en libre-service ou directement avec l’intervention d...

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Livre blanc - Voice over VPN vs. voice over cloud: a side-by-side comparison - Talkdesk
Expérience client

Voice over VPN vs. voice over cloud: a side-by-side comparison

"For companies that have already transitioned their contact center technology to the cloud, the transition has been easier. But for the more than 80% of organizations still running legacy on-premises phone systems, the t...

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Livre blanc - Exploiter un centre de contact virtuel : Les défis techniques à relever pour le service informatique - Talkdesk
Expérience client

Exploiter un centre de contact virtuel : Les défis techniques à relever pour le service informatique

"Les plans pour la continuité des opérations sont formulés par les dirigeants des organisations dans le premier but de maintenir les opérations intactes pendant les périodes d'interruption. Une multitude de facteurs...

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Livre blanc - CCPA California Consumers Privacy Act - Talkdesk

CCPA California Consumers Privacy Act

"Talkdesk is a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) provider. As part of the contact center services provided to customers throughout the world, Talkdesk processes personal data on behalf of its customers. In all proce...

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Livre blanc - Talkdesk GDPR Compliance - Talkdesk

Talkdesk GDPR Compliance

"Talkdesk is a CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) provider. As part of the contact center services provided to customers throughout the world, Talkdesk processes personal data on behalf of its customers. In all proce...

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Livre blanc - Conversational Automation - Talkdesk

Conversational Automation

"If there was one technology that has shown both spectacular promise and yet not been used to its full potential by businesses, it’s chatbots. There is no doubting the excitement around AI technologies, but the libe...

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Livre blanc - Cut costs in your contact center by moving to the cloud - Talkedesk
Expérience client

Cut costs in your contact center by moving to the cloud

"Over the last few years, contact centers have been modernizing their operations by shifting from legacy, on-premises call center technologies to agile, cloud platforms that deliver a better and more cost-effective custo...

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Livre blanc- Working from home drives the need for better contact security - Talkdesk

Working from home drives the need for better contact security

"COVID-19 rapidly accelerated the digital transformation strategies of most businesses—what would normally take several years happened almost overnight. The global pandemic hit businesses hard, with workers uprooted ou...

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Livre blanc - 4 steps to contact center digital transformation for the public sector - Talkdesk
Numérique / Transformation digitale

4 steps to contact center digital transformation for the public sector

"The global pandemic put a tremendous strain on Federal, State and Local government agencies to deliver public services at a time when inquiries could be anywhere between 10 and 50 times higher than normal. Agencies l...

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Livre blanc - L'avenir de l'expérience client dans le secteur de l'assurance - Talkdesk
Expérience client

L'avenir de l'expérience client dans le secteur de l'assurance

"Le COVID-19 a accéléré le rythme de la numérisation et, bien que les assureurs progressent, le chemin reste encore long. Les assureurs devront continuer à investir pour offrir une meilleure expérience client nu...

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Livre blanc - The Infusion of Artificial Intelligence across Customer Interactions - Talkdesk
Marketing et IA (Martech)

The Infusion of Artificial Intelligence across Customer Interactions

"However, many prevent a consistent brand experience by managing operations, tracking performance, and measuring customer satisfaction along functional lines. Different departments usually pass customer transactions b...

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Livre blanc - Améliorer l’expérience des assurés grâce à cloud - Talkdesk
Expérience client

Améliorer l’expérience des assurés grâce à cloud

"Les inondations dans les Alpes-Maritimes, la vague de froid en avril 2021 et la pandémie en cours ont mis à rude épreuve les centres de contact traditionnels, laissant les agents surchargés de travail et les assuré...

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Livre blanc - The retail playbook for surviving (and thriving) during the holidays - Talkdesk
Retail / Commerce de détail

The retail playbook for surviving (and thriving) during the holidays

"As brands endure yet another holiday shopping season, they once again face exceptional challenges. Supply chain interruptions paired with new economic realities are pressing both brands and consumers to change their ...

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Livre blanc - Best Practices: Speech Analytics in the Contact Center - Talkdesk
CRM / Relation client

Best Practices: Speech Analytics in the Contact Center

"McKinsey estimates that digital channel adoption sprang ahead five years in the first eight weeks of the pandemic. Undoubtedly, much of the initial increased adoption rate was probably from organizations who had acce...

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Livre blanc - Retail customer service in 2022: An issue of fundamentals - Talkdesk
Retail / Commerce de détail

Retail customer service in 2022: An issue of fundamentals

"Will there be new strains of COVID-19 and how will they affect shopping behaviors? When will the global supply chain return to “normal”? And how much of a factor will rising inflation rates play in consumer behavior...

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Livre blanc - Why payers need to create superior health plan member experiences - Talkdesk
Santé, médecine et pharmaceutique

Why payers need to create superior health plan member experiences

"Imagine you’ve recently visited your primary care physician and she has referred you for a procedure by a specialist. You have heard about surprise bills and want to contact your health plan to confirm insurance co...

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Livre blanc - Unified Member Experiences: The next frontier of digital transformation in credit unions - Talkdesk
Numérique / Transformation digitale

Unified Member Experiences: The next frontier of digital transformation in credit unions

"Millennials and members of Generation Z wield an estimated $350 billion in purchasing power, and they’re on the verge of inheriting an additional $61 trillion.1 As a result, stakes are high when it comes to acquiring ...

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Livre blanc - Talkdesk APEC Compliance - Talkdesk

Talkdesk APEC Compliance

"As part of the contact center services provided to customers throughout the world, Talkdesk processes personal data on behalf of its customers. In all processing of personal data, Talkdesk aims for the highest princi...

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Hébergement / Cloud computing

Guide de migration vers un centre de contact cloud pour les entreprises du retail

"Au cours des dernières années, les acteurs du B2C se sont débattus avec des logiciels hérités sur site qui ne peuvent pas répondre aux attentes des clients d'aujourd'hui, limitant leur capacité à évoluer rapide...

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