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Voice over VPN vs. voice over cloud: a side-by-side comparison

Business continuity is top of mind for contact centers that had to move thousands of agents to work-from-home (WFH) environments.

  • EditeurTalkdesk
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2023 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Voice over VPN vs. voice over cloud: a side-by-side comparison - Talkdesk

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"For companies that have already transitioned their contact center technology to the cloud, the transition has been easier. But for the more than 80% of organizations still running legacy on-premises phone systems, the transition is not so simple.

Many companies are opting to extend their existing virtual private network (VPN) environments to facilitate 100% at-home agents. For non-voice traffic, this makes a lot of sense. But voice over VPN is a different story."

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