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Best Practices: Speech Analytics in the Contact Center

One of the few bright spots in the response to COVID-19 was the rush to digital adoption by corporate America.

  • EditeurTalkdesk
  • Version PDF - 3 pages - 2023 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Best Practices: Speech Analytics in the Contact Center - Talkdesk

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"McKinsey estimates that digital channel adoption sprang ahead five years in the first eight weeks of the pandemic.

Undoubtedly, much of the initial increased adoption rate was probably from organizations who had accelerated or expanded their preexisting programs to meet their immediate needs, but in the two years that followed, the rush to digital channels has also steadily increased.

Speech analytics is one of the most important enabling technologies for digital channel adoption, as these solutions help make sense of the torrents of unstructured information flowing into the contact center. Speech analytics is essential for guiding actions and decisions by spotting trends and patterns hidden in the vast amount of data collected every single day.

And the actionable data gathered can be used in real time to coach the agents on the frontline with next best actions, help with adherence to regulatory compliance, and root cause analysis of why people are reaching out.

If your company is serious about digital transformation, as almost two-thirds of American corporations profess to be, these recommendations are an excellent primer for using speech analytics to parse all the calls, texts, and emails from customers to your contact center."

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