"Generative AI – can resolve customer inquiries and significantly shorten customer service wait times. Natural language AI tools are also being used across CX touchpoints, from advanced search features, internal knowle...
Voir le livre blanc >"To avoid the pitfalls, customer service leaders are often expected to scale-up their operations to handle these peaks, padding their staff with new agents hired in-house or outsourced through a call center. The problem ...
Voir le livre blanc >"With Conversational AI, computers can understand, process and respond to voice or text inputs, offering natural, human-like interactions in multiple languages between computers and humans. These interactions can be u...
Voir le livre blanc >"Digital contacts with companies are multiplying, whether they come from outside the business (clients, prospects, etc) or from within the company itself (employees, etc). Channels, devices, sources are more and more div...
Voir le livre blanc >"Digital transformation has affected almost every industry, as organizations try to gain a competitive advantage and cater to changing customer demands. The banking sector has also recognized the gamechanging effe...
Voir le livre blanc >"Customer experience has become a key brand differentiator in a growingly competitive business landscape. As a result of this, there has been an increasing call for enterprises to optimize their customer service. Toda...
Voir le livre blanc >"Sure, there had been major disruptions in the area before, but none of them were so radical, life-changing and had so many consequences that had an impact on the economy, social relationships etc. However, consumer expe...
Voir le livre blanc >"While the User Interface is the visible part of the iceberg, it really is the knowledge base and framework that is the cornerstone to a project's success. The framework, knowledge base, and lexicon (or ML utterances dep...
Voir le livre blanc >"Chatbots, aka "conversational agents" or "virtual assistants", are increasingly gaining media attention. Heightened user interest due to the perceived use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning means that ...
Voir le livre blanc >"L’IA est sur le point de remodeler la façon dont les entreprises communiquent et interagissent avec leurs clients. Au-delà du suivi des transactions intelligentes, de la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement...
Voir le livre blanc >"Covid-19 has accelerated the need to develop optimal customer service and journeys that cater to an ever-growing demand for a better, more personalized and multichannel experience. In a competitive world that is emba...
Voir le livre blanc >"INTRODUCTION : DU COMMERCE AU E-COMMERCE, UNE TRANSITION COMPLEXE La vente sur internet poursuit sa croissance année après année, se développe sur de nouvelles plateformes (20% du CA sur mobile) et touche un publ...
Voir le livre blanc >"INTRODUCTION : UN SECTEUR EN CONSTANTE TRANSFORMATION En France, le tourisme représente aux alentours de 7 % du PIB, et les Français effectuent chaque année environ 200 millions de voyages pour des motifs personne...
Voir le livre blanc >"INTRODUCTION Une erreur très courante dans les projets de FAQ, de chatbot ou de voicebot est de se focaliser sur la facette technologique. Si l’interface est la partie la plus visible de l’iceberg, c’est en r...
Voir le livre blanc >"INTRODUCTION Les chatbots, aussi nommés agents conversationnels ou assistants virtuels, sont de plus en plus médiatisés. Du côté des utilisateurs, l’appétence pour ce sujet, souvent perçu comme étant lié ...
Voir le livre blanc >"Introduction : un monde d’interactions multicanal Les contacts numériques avec les entreprises, qu’ils proviennent de l’extérieur (clients, prospects…) ou l’intérieur (employés…) des organisations se ...
Voir le livre blanc >