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Building Policyholder Loyalty with AI

Maximizing Retention Through AI-Powered Customer Experience

  • EditeurInbenta
  • Version PDF - 11 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Building Policyholder Loyalty with AI" - Inbenta

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Generative AI – can resolve customer inquiries and significantly shorten customer service wait times. Natural language AI tools are also being used across CX touchpoints, from advanced search features, internal knowledge management, multilingual engagement, to rapid content development. Moreover, some AI-enabled tools can provide insurers with insights into customer behaviors and emotions, allowing insurance companies to anticipate policyholder needs.

In this white paper, we’ll explore the following :
• The direct link between a positive customer experience and policyholder retention.
• How AI-enabled tools can effectively address policyholder issues.
• Specific examples of how insurance companies can integrate AI tools to improve policyholder experience"

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