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The Secret Ingredients of Successful Ticket Management

Over the past decades, customer experience has become a critical component of any business’ success.

  • EditeurInbenta
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2022 - Anglais

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"Covid-19 has accelerated the need to develop optimal customer service and journeys that cater to an ever-growing demand for a better, more personalized and multichannel experience.

In a competitive world that is embarking on digital transformation, consumers are gaining more relevance and are a focal point in every corporate digital transformation strategy.

Ensuring that customers are satisfied shouldn’t be taken lightly. Customer experience has become a major brand differentiator with one in three customers stating that they would leave a brand after one bad experience. This can prove costly for companies, as the cost of acquiring a new customer is seven times more than maintaining an existing one.

A key element of meeting customer demands is the ability to swiftly reach out to them in the channel and device of their choice, be it phone, social media, email or on a website.

Customers want to contact companies on their own terms, and they want their requests to be answered swiftly and in a personalized manner.

As with many processes in customer service, the quality of the ticketing system can determine whether the experience is positive or negative for a user. Not only that, but ticketing systems can also be instrumental in enhancing customer retention and team performance.

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