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Guide : how can bots really strengthen your omnichannel strategy?

Which 'bot' approach for your omnichannel strategy? What are the key milestones and best practices? Focus on some case studies and users' feedback.

  • EditeurInbenta
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2022 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Guide : how can bots really strengthen your omnichannel strategy? - Inbenta

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"Digital contacts with companies are multiplying, whether they come from outside the business (clients, prospects, etc) or from within the company itself (employees, etc). Channels, devices, sources are more and more diversified.

Channels, level of information sought out, responsiveness, expectations are diverse. Companies' responses to each use case must be adapted while ensuring the continuity of the user's journey. Consistency and consolidation of the information between channels is also essential: a prospect or customer on a given journey might interact for a different need in the future. But really, what is a bot? A bot is a computer application that aims to simulate a human discussion, such as a written conversation in the case of a chatbot. It also has other names: conversational agent, virtual assistant, etc...

Chatbots placed on a website are a common thing by now, but the evolution of interactions coupled with technological innovations have resulted in the creation of bots on all communication channels: social networks, email, voice, phone... As an example, the development of vocalization (voice recognition and speech synthesis) made it possible to connect chatbots to IVS (Interactive Voice Servers).

These are callbots! With long text analysis, mailbots can now automatically process some emails. As a consequence, there are more and more channels on which bots can be implemented. The bot market is not homogeneous: it is entering a phase of mastery on some channels but still needs to be evangelized on others.

The dynamic is real, on communication channels where bot is mature or on channels where adoption of the technology is still underway. This stuctural movement will position the bot as a key way of interacting with all stakeholders: prospects, customers, employees, partners... Like any innovation with a strong potential, bots are at the crossroads of complex topics: multiple communication channels, language comprehension, taking into account customers' journey..."

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