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Mastering Customer Service Spikes with AI

Finding more ways to create value for customers.

  • EditeurInbenta
  • Version PDF - 8 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Mastering Customer Service Spikes with AI" - Inbenta

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"To avoid the pitfalls, customer service leaders are often expected to scale-up their operations to handle these peaks, padding their staff with new agents hired in-house or outsourced through a call center. The problem is that hiring, onboarding and managing new agents requires significant effort and can dramatically increase customer service costs. It can also hurt the quality of service, as new hires are often inexperienced. This leaves customer service leaders in a bind.

Fortunately, a marketplace of productivity-enhancing technology specifically designed for customer service has emerged. Customer service teams now have access to workflow management and collaboration tools, messaging platforms, email and SMS text automation, among the many new solutions.

The latest iteration of these tools are AI-enabled. Natural language AI — an umbrella term that includes Conversational AI and Generative AI — has made it possible for companies to engage with customers and resolve their issues without agent intervention. This makes artificial intelligence a powerful tool for funneling customer service queries during peak periods.

This white paper was developed to help customer service managers, digital transformation leaders and others responsible for improving customer experience better understand what AI tools are available to them. It will also cover how AI can help customer service teams lower costs, reduce handle time, maintain consistency and improve the quality of customer service during peak periods and beyond."

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