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PIM – The Foundation for Personalization and Digital Transformation

PIM – The Foundation for Personalization and Digital Transformation

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"Personalization has been a major theme in the fashion industry for years, but most have yet to provide it at scale. As consumers continue to demand more personalized offers, fashion companies need to fast-track their ability to connect with consumers.

What does personalization mean to consumers?

Consumers are willing to give brands their data in exchange for:

  • Accurate, complete, timely and relevant product information
  • Authentic, consistent and exceptional product experiences
  • Ability to use fashion to express unique style, identity and values

How to get started?

  • Focus on areas where you can truly stand out
  • Differentiate with individualized products
  • Provide relevant, timely and non-intrusive experiences
  • Integrate with platforms to gather data in order to create better customer experiences and improve retention rates"

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