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Zoom sur l’essor des plateformes de données clients (CDP)

Des données intégrées et exploitables pour des technologies marketing orientées vers l'avenir.

Zoom sur l’essor des plateformes de données clients (CDP)

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"As the marketing industry continues to shift towards one-toone personalization, relationships built on added value, and individually relevant interactions, integrating customer data is emerging as a major focus area for brands these days.

Data integration can make a world of difference between generic segmentation based on consumer personas, and one-to-one consumer engagement based on intelligence. Data integration makes a difference between treating customers in a personal and authentic manner, or losing their business forever because of a botched customer service experience. And data integration is also the key to engaging the right customers in the right situation, with the right message, on their preferred devices. When it comes to achieving this level of data integration, the current marketing buzzword is customer data platforms (CDPs). With the promise of connecting data points across channels and customer touchpoints – and making this data actionable and available to teams across department boundaries – CDPs are the antidote to data silos, fragmentation, and desynchronization.

However, there is a caveat. Much like every new technology trend, customer data platforms are still part reality, and part mythology. In 2017, LUMA added CDPs as a brand-new category to its Marketing Technology LUMAscape, counting about 20 vendors in this field, depending on the definition of what constitutes a CDP.1 On that note, the true definition of CDPs is still up for debate. While some vendors are already trying to play the CDP card, many of them fall short of delivering true CDP capabilities."

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