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Don’t do fashion, be fashion : The strength of branding in the fashion industry

  • EditeurBynder
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2017 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Don’t do fashion, be fashion: The strength of branding in the fashion industry - Bynder

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The Strength of Branding in the Fashion Industry :

Does an audience think about your brand as much as you’d like? Moving through our day-to-day routines and busy lives, there is little time for spontaneous nostalgia regarding our favorite labels. At a subconscious emotional level, recognized brands can and do play a pivotal role in our choices, but only when we are reminded or when we actively engage with them. Tom Ford, when speaking at the 2013 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards, once said :

“Remember that our customers do not need our clothes.” Tom Ford, CFDA/ Vogue Fashion Fund Awards

He made a critical point, but the question is; how do you make your customers want and desire your clothes over your competitors?

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