14 974 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

3 Steps to Improving Search Results on Your Website

If we look back at history, the way we look for information and products changed forever with the advent of 
 the Internet.

  • EditeurInbenta
  • Version PDF - 9 pages - 2023 - Français
Livre blanc - 3 Steps to Improving Search Results on Your Website  - Inbenta

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"Sure, there had been major disruptions in the area before, but none of them were so radical, life-changing and had so many consequences that had an impact on the economy, social relationships etc. However, consumer expectations have risen significantly since then. It is not uncommon for businesses to find themselves struggling with their website experience, with complaints that look like: “Our search engine returns irrelevant results.” “We receive a ton of traffic, but it doesn’t convert.”

“It takes on average 3 search attempts for our customers to click on a search result.”

Over the last few years, things have started to change, again. The democratization of Artificial Intelligence and the advancements on the field are offering thousands of opportunities for improvement in the way we search for and find products and services."

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