Measure up to your marketing peers! Uncover the insights from over 500 marketers and 3000 companies running webinars to refine your marketing strategy and benchmark your webinar performance.
"The 2024 Webinar Marketing Benchmark Report is designed specifically for marketing managers looking to benchmark their webinar performance and refine their overall marketing strategy. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, webinars have emerged as a critical channel for engagement and lead generation. But how do your efforts compare to your peers across different countries and industries? This report will provide you with valuable insights, and data-driven benchmarks to help you evaluate and enhance your marketing tactics.
Methodology and samples :
To build this report we relied on two data sources :
• We surveyed 528 marketers across countries and industries to build the first part of this report and understand their marketing priorities, budgets, and preferred channels, with a deep dive into events and webinars.
• To dive deeper into webinar marketing and webinar engagement, we analyzed the data of Livestorm’s 3000+ users over 2023 and the first half of 2024 (up until June 2024). These users are based 64% in France, 21% in EMEA, and 15% in the United States."