14 467 Livres Blancs | 2 408 |

The In-App Advertising Playbook

Guide de l'annonceur sur les capacités publicitaires avancées d'In-App.

  • EditeurSmaato
  • Version PDF - 13 pages - 2017 - Anglais
The In-App Advertising Playbook

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Mobile is the leading growth driver of global internet usage, with 80% of users accessing the web via mobile devices. But today’s digital world isn’t just mobile-first — it’s app-first. Apps dominate the mobile landscape, accounting for 89% of consumers’ smartphone time. This figure is only expected to grow as app usage continues to increase at a faster rate than that of mobile web.

The Advanced Advertising Capabilities of In-App

The in-app environment isn’t just the place to find consumers; it also offers sophisticated data tracking, targeting and geo-location superior to other digital advertising formats. This allows advertisers to target audiences with pinpoint accuracy by tracking behavior over time. In-app’s ad delivery also makes it resistant to ad blocking technologies, while its tracking capabilities ensure that ads are truly being seen by the desired audience.

Best Practices for In-App Advertisers

After answering the question of why advertisers should invest in in-app advertising, it’s time to turn to how to best invest in-app advertising budgets. From engaging consumers with interactive video to targeting users via programmatic deals, we have compiled a list of best practices for advertisers to optimize their in-app strategies and maximize mobile results.

Welcome to the App Age

In the ten years since Apple opened the digital doors to its App Store in 2008, apps have paved their path to ubiquity. We now rely on apps for everything, from navigating traffic on the way to work to remembering what to pick up from the grocery store on the way home. Consumers’ time spent with their mobile devices continues to grow each year as apps accumulate the minutes that were previously spent with other media.

In fact, mobile is now the only media format with growing usage, while consumers are spending a decreasing amount of time with all other formats, including desktop and television."

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