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Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) Requests for Information (RFI)

8 key questions to ask a vendor to determine if their platform should be included in the formal tender process (RFPs).

  • EditeurIbexa
  • Version PDF - 22 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) Requests for Information (RFI) - Ibexa

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"Digital transformation is a challenge at the best of times, but when it comes to evaluating which Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) and which technologies and implementation partners will be optimal for you, there are numerous hurdles, stakeholders, and considerations that you need to take into account.

With so many options to choose from – vendors, technologies, and implementation partners – it can be like comparing apples to oranges, and hence difficult to determine which solution is truly the right fit for your organization’s unique needs. To be frank, it’s hard to figure all this out until you go through a procurement process.

That’s why we have developed this guide to help you cut through the marketing messages and create an effective Request for Information (RFI), the first stage of your interaction with vendors.

This is when you can ask some key questions early on in your procurement process, making the job of selecting the three or four vendors you want to respond to your more formal RFP much easier. The next stage is to actually develop a well-designed and comprehensive RFP with which you can assess and, ideally, land the right solution for your organization."

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