From Customer Experience Design (CXD) to Customer Experience Management (CXM): elevate customer experience from a marketing-team-only thing to a firm-wide strategic management exercise. But how do we even start to implement CXM? Well, reading this paper is the first step towards answering that question.
"Alfred Hitchcock’s two scripts
Alfred Hitchcock, master of suspense, one of history’s giant storytellers, and control-freak, used not one but two scripts when filming. The so-called Blue script was the traditional one, with the actions, the lines for the actors and directions for things such as lighting, props and camera viewpoints. In a second script, the Green script, Hitchcock meticulously described the emotional outcome of each scene, how he wanted the audience to feel when watching a particular scene.
Martin Lindstrom uses the anecdote in his book ‘Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends‘.
We believe, though, that Lindstrom only captures half of the story when he pushes us to ‘go from a Blue script to a Green script mindset’. The more interesting challenge (and one that Lindstrom is of course aware of) is: How do we combine the two mindsets?"