14 883 Livres Blancs | 2 482 |

2024 Contact center buyer’s guide

Technology that supports customer and employee experiences of the future — and the trends driving their adoption.

  • EditeurGenesys
  • Version PDF - 28 pages - 2023 - Français
Livre blanc - 2024 Contact center buyer’s guide - Genesys

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"The future of CX starts here.

During the last few years, businesses have recognized they need to prepare for the unexpected. That need can come at any time, in any shape and last for who knows how long. Those unforeseen changes are now a constant.

Fortunately, making incremental improvements with capabilities like automation, employee empowerment and digital channels have provided quick wins and more.

But the long game in innovation goes beyond automation. As technology advances, these capabilities eventually move from differentiators to commodities.

What will those differentiators be in five or 10 years? And do you have the foundation to respond quickly and effectively? You don’t need to take two steps back or start from the beginning of your innovation journey. Start right where you are. Start here.

This guide defines specific capabilities to create the most value for customers, employees and your business. They’ll give you the foundation and agility to orchestrate experiences for long-term relevancy and resiliency."

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