"As publishers continue to transform their operations to go digital, improve transparency to authors, and ultimately introduce new business models for content delivery, licensing and compensation, the role of supporting ...
Voir le livre blanc >"The report was published by Content Marketing Institute and authored by Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, to address the growing need for solutions that orchestrate and automate the complexities of legal, licensing, ...
Voir le livre blanc >"To get started, inventory the type of content that is rights-managed and understand where the rights are coming from (license agreements or talent contracts). Is the content being governed by more than one contract such...
Voir le livre blanc >"The report was published by The Book Industry Study Group based on research done for the rights committee by GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies. FADEL and its customer, Pearson Education, were valuable contributors ...
Voir le livre blanc >"Avec la croissance explosive de l'industrie du jeu, les entreprises déploient de nouvelles stratégies génératrices de revenus et de nouveaux modèles de licence et conditions de paiement de redevances que les l...
Voir le livre blanc >"Dans cette étude (en anglais), nous décomposons et discutons des facteurs qui font encourir des coûts aux organisations, et calculons combien elles peuvent économiser grâce à la mise en œuvre d'un système de ges...
Voir le livre blanc >