14 529 Livres Blancs | 2 425 |

Top 7 Reasons to Automate Royalty Operations in Gaming

Fuel Innovation & Growth in Gaming.

  • EditeurFadel
  • Version PDF - 9 pages - 2021 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Avec la croissance explosive de l'industrie du jeu, les entreprises déploient de nouvelles stratégies génératrices de revenus et de nouveaux modèles de licence et conditions de paiement de redevances que les logiciels traditionnels de suivi des redevances n'ont pas été conçus pour gérer. 

Ce guide fournit des informations précieuses sur pourquoi et comment automatiser les redevances de jeux vidéo.

• Licensing IP for video games, with a combination of licensing content in and licensing content out, is a powerful mechanism for a game publisher to create a competitive advantage for their games and build out new revenue streams.

• Are you positioned to rapidly and effortlessly adapt to industry trends fueled by technological innovation? Are your systems setup to manage all of the licenses flowing in and out of the organization specific to their games, as well as accurately and easily calculate all of the royalty payments and collections flowing in and out, in a unified, comprehensive way?"

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