14 982 Livres Blancs | 2 510 |

An influencer marketing intervention

12 étapes pour sauver votre relation client.

  • EditeurTraackr
  • Version PDF - 38 pages - 2016 - Anglais
An influencer marketing intervention

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"Dear Fellow Marketer,

We’re here today because we care about you. You haven’t been yourself lately. You haven’t been as effective. We’re here today because, collectively, we haven’t been ourselves.

We, as an industry, haven’t been as effective. The longer we wait to change, the harder it will be to snap out of this funk. It’s not entirely our fault. We are a product of our environment, and our environment is rejecting us.

It’s been happening for a few years now. Don’t take it personally. It’s not you. It’s the medium. You see, by and large, people don’t want to hear from you, the marketer. They don’t want to hear from you, the brand spokesperson.

And thanks to ad blocking technology and self-curated content streams, they don’t have to deal with you. But there is hope. People do want to hear from their fellow consumer. Or subject matter expert.

They want to hear from you, the truth seeker. And the same innovators who brought us ad blockers also created spaces where communities flourish and conversations flow. These communities are everywhere. These conversations – whether people participate in them or act as interested bystanders – are happening by the millions as you read this.

Through these conversations, people connect, exchange ideas, and inspire action. Conversation is not a foreign concept to marketers. It is merely a departure from decades of one-way communication. That needs to change. That will change.

If you believe we need to stop trying to create slicker messages and start building stronger relationships with everyone from industry experts to journalists to customers to employees – all the people who really influence the people we need to reach – this step-by-step guide is for you. Ready to get better together? Let’s get started."

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