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Risk Outlook 2024

Everything is connected.

Livre blanc - Risk Outlook 2024 - International SOS

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"In my introduction to last year’s Global Risk Report I talked of the forces shaping a post-pandemic world. Now, 12 months later, it already feels as though COVID-19 as a reference point has been overshadowed.

Only three years after the biggest global disruption in 80 years it has almost been eclipsed by the volume of other challenges that have arisen. All these challenges test the resilience of businesses and their people. The concurrent risks facing most organisations have increased markedly.

This is not just International SOS’s opinion.

It is validated by our survey of hundreds of business leaders and corporate security and health officers. The research shows that two-thirds believe ensuring the health, wellbeing and security of their workforces will be a tougher task in the coming year. This is a higher proportion than at any time in the past five years."

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