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Digital healthcare: the new frontier

Upgrading healthcare systems in a digitally-driven, post-pandemic world.

  • EditeurValtech
  • Version PDF - 17 pages - 2023 - Français

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"While the pandemic isn’t behind us, it has gone on long enough that many of us now know how to make homemade bread. And in this post-pandemic-ish world, staff shortages as well as technological innovations are at an all-time high.

The pandemic accelerated the healthcare industry’s path towards digital transformation and improved consumer healthcare. Since we are in no need of a breadmaking guide – as we have all been sorted into expert makers or expert eaters – we will be navigating the ins and outs of digital healthcare: How do you build a solid foundation for digital transformation in healthcare?

Digital transformation is an ongoing effort with no true end state. But if your consumers aren’t pleasantly surprised by the outcome, you’ve missed the mark. We’ll look at Christus Health and Penn Medicine as leaders in the space. What are other hospitals and healthcare systems doing and how can you get inspired to improve?

We’ll look at telehealth and explain why reexamining the post-pandemic changes in the retail world can once again provide inspiration and guidance for healthcare systems.

And, of course, what comes next? From chatbots and natural learning processing, what new technology and ways of working will keep you at the cutting edge of impactful consumer experiences?

We’ll look quickly at the approaches underway at Children’s Hospital in Eastern Ontario and Johns Hopkins."

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