14 841 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Power and Persuasion

IRI measures the store sales impact of social media influence and word-of-mouth marketing.

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"We are living through the revolution of global connectivity, where the world is connected like never before.

The roles of traditional marketing levers are distorted, where broad media channels such as TV are challenged in favour of new ways to reach a specific audience like influencer marketing.

Traditional media is clearly defined in the way it acts on consumers and there are accepted measurement mechanisms to evaluate the efficacy of those traditional channels which have been developed over decades. When it comes to digital and mobile marketing, many brands however are struggling to identify relevant KPIs and accurate measurments of true ROI.

Today’s budgets are under constant threat and Marketing Directors are under pressure to justify spend. Are marketing investments delivering at the till? IRI has innovated to provide the visibility marketers and agencies need to make the best decisions about their precious marketing budgets."

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