14 982 Livres Blancs | 2 510 |

Les 5 principaux challenges de la gestion des stocks

  • EditeurEmakina
  • Version PDF - 6 pages - 2022 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"With the rise of digital marketplaces like Amazon, fulfillment has grown more complex.

Where there used to be only two ways to fulfill products (ship from warehouse, buy in store) there are now dozens. This includes popular delivery strategies like Click and Collect and Ship from Store as well as Drop Ship Vendors DSVs), lockers, and other third party collection points. Real-time inventory visibility is key.

But while a study published in RIS News revealed that 72% of retailers agree omnichannel inventory management is a major factor in meeting their company’s financial goals, many struggle. Why?

A key problem faced by today’s retailers is that legacy ecommerce platforms and ERPs weren’t built to handle real-time inventory changes flowing from multiple sources. For instance, systems like ERPs usually update 12 times a day at most. Let’s look at how legacy systems fail at real-time inventory and why—as well as potential solutions."

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