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Actionable social analytics from social media metrics to business insights

  • EditeurAwareness
  • Version PDF -19 pages - 2012 - Anglais

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"The volume of social data is increasing exponentially. In 2009, Twitter announced that daily posts on its platform had reached 10 million. By the first quarter of 2011, according to Search Engine Watch, the volume had ballooned to 200 million daily, a 2,000 percent increase in just two years, and latest numbers show over 250 million posts published on the platform each day.

The Wall Street Journal reported recently that Facebook had 845 million active users at the end of December 2011—and more than 425 million of them use the site daily. With so much user-generated data available in real time, brands and marketers face a challenge:

How do we make the most of this unprecedented social activity? How do we reliably measure the pulse of our users, become more effective in our outreach, and engage customers to encourage brand advocacy and more sales?"

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