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Thriving after the crisis - How brands can build a digital strategy for future growth

Relancer l'activité après la crise : comment les marques peuvent construire une stratégie numérique pour la croissance de leur entreprise.

  • EditeurKameleoon
  • Version PDF - 23 pages - 2020 - Anglais
Thriving after the crisis - How brands can build a digital strategy for future growth

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"From its beginnings, it was obvious that the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns would have an enormous impact on current and future digital behavior. To help our clients around the world better understand its effect on their business we therefore commissioned global consumer research in conjunction with the GO Group Digital.

The findings were clear-cut – across every sector, and in every country, consumers are switching to digital channels, and the vast majority won’t return to offline, physical ones. The new normal is digital-first, meaning brands must focus on delivering a tailored, high-quality experience to each and every customer. This brings opportunities and challenges to brands – they have to meet the different needs of a wider group of customers, while facing greater competition and rising expectations around privacy and security

Personalization and experimentation are therefore essential to success. Brands need to put the customer at the heart of everything they do and adopt a test and learn approach that constantly improves and tailors the experience if they are to stay ahead of rivals and grow their revenues.

This report aims to give brands the information they need to thrive in a changing digital world. As well as a full breakdown of the consumer research, it includes expert advice, based on both the real-world experience of our agency partners and the global series of webinars we have run to discuss the current situation with leading brands.

I hope you find the report useful!

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