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Programmatic Trading

  • EditeurIAB Europe
  • Version Pdf - 35 pages - 2014 - Anglais

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"In a few short years, Programmatic Trading has emerged from the back rooms of digital networks to front and centre in the battle for customer engagement.

In recent research with WARC and AppNexus, IAB Europe polled more than 600 publishers, advertisers and agencies across the frontline of the advertising industry in Europe, and found that 89% of them believe that Programmatic will have a significant impact on digital advertising; 30% expect it to be dominant!

Yet, Programmatic Trading remains a confusing mix of three letter acronyms, a swarm of potential solutions and a lurking fear that it’s going to put buyers and sellers out of a job.

As a result, the same research showed that nearly half of all publishers and two thirds of marketers believe that they don’t yet really understand programmatic, or how to capitalise upon it.

As a result, IAB Europe has asked member companies working in this area to contribute to this White Paper; with the goal of demystifying Programmatic Trading; correcting a few myths and looking at how and why it has grown so quickly and continues to do so."

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