14 949 Livres Blancs | 2 507 |

Future Focus 2022 : les nouvelles intersections du média

Ce livre blanc suit le nouveau positionnement d’iProspect « Brands Accelerated », qui favorise la croissance des marques en combinant branding et performance.

  • EditeuriProspect
  • Version PDF - 32 pages - Anglais
Future Focus 2022 : les nouvelles intersections du média

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc


Our world was completely upended by the COVID-19 global pandemic, which lasted longer than many initial forecasters told. While not yet endemic and that point in time not yet known, we have started to see the signs of societies and the global economy reopening. Countries are loosening travel restrictions, vaccination rates increasing, and mask mandates and public health measures are lessening.

We find ourselves at an intersection of next, and normal. Consumer behaviour has so rapidly changed over the last 18 months that we have seen more change in the way many people live, work, shop, and socialise than any time in the past 70 years."

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