14 976 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

Cold Emails Cheat Sheet

We’ve analyzed 200 mln emails and follow-ups with AI and uncovered the following patterns.

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  • Version PDF - 5 pages - 2024 - Anglais
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"The best time to send emails and/or follow-ups is in the morning, 7-10 am. People tend to check emails and respond to them before the workday starts. The lowest response rate is from 2-3 pm.

You’re most likely to get response to emails on Mondays and Thursdays. But follow-ups get equal attention Monday through Thursday.

Emails sent on Fridays and weekends are likely to be ignored (unless you’re offering a free car or paid vacation or you prospect is a workaholic – see below).

Some prefer to check emails on Sunday to free up Monday mornings, so don’t miss out! Sunday response rates are better than Saturday or Friday and equal to Tuesday."

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