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Marketing Manager Mindset Report 2023

Marketing is a dynamic, constantly changing field. But 2022 was even more dynamic than usual.

  • EditeurLivestorm
  • Version PDF - 65 pages - 2023 - Anglais

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"Welcome to the 2023 Marketing Manager Mindset Report, back this year by popular demand!

Marketing is a dynamic, constantly changing field. But 2022 was even more dynamic than usual.

We faced a global recession, the lingering effects of COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, the rise of artificial intelligence, and many other changes and challenges. This year might have been a time to grow, reflect, or re-evaluate, depending on your perspective.

It’s a lot. How are marketers doing? For 2023, we investigated digital marketing priorities across different industries, company sizes, and regions, and how they’ve changed from last year.

We’ve focused on 4 areas — budget, strategy, content marketing, and social media marketing — and broken down trends that affected marketers, including the global financial recession.

Think of this report as a marketing industry pulse check. With datadriven benchmarks, our findings can give context to, or even guide, your own decisions.

Whether we’re selling software or satellites, pajamas or cars, all marketers are working towards a common goal. We want to find new customers and show them what makes our product special.

Here’s how over 680 marketing decision makers made that happen this year."


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