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Consumers Unmasked - Stage 1

Through a 12-month study of consumer attitudes and actions, EPAM Continuum will help lifestyle brands understand which habits have stuck— and why.

  • EditeurEmakina
  • Version PDF - 38 pages - 2021 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Consumers Unmasked - Stage 1" -  Emakina

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"Why this study? Why now?

We are emerging from one of the most sustained periods of social instability in modern times. It is a period that has changed us all.

When we think about ourselves as consumers, we can undoubtedly garner a picture of today’s behaviors, wants
and desires. But that will be a snapshot of a moment in time, and not necessarily one that will endure. Such is the level of change we have been through and the level of uncertainty we face as we begin to look forward.

Rather than report on a single moment in time, when feelings and emotions are at their rawest and our future behaviors are unknown, we felt it would be more valuable– and frankly more interesting—to truly understand how current emotions and actions will translate into sustained behaviors.

That’s why we’ve launched the Consumers Unmasked project, a 12-month study with our Consumer Council—71 millennial and Gen Z consumers in the UK, the US and Germany—which will be supported by broader quantitative research along the way.

Over the next year, we’ll track consumer spending habits across the food, fashion, travel, fitness and home shopping industries.

Much of the initial insight from our Consumer Council aligns with our expectations. But the purpose of the project is to look further and dig deeper to discover:

• What new habits were formed during the
pandemic? Which will stick or grow in prominence? Which will fade?

• How will consumer behavior play out during what
will inevitably be another year of change? What’s driving that behavior?

• Why are consumers acting as they do? What’s influencing their choices? What’s concerning them?"

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