14 852 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Youth of today, travel of tomorrow

YouGov a réalisé un nouveau rapport international sur les comportements et les préférences de la Gen Z en matière de voyage. Les insights recueillis permettent notamment de comprendre comment s'adresser à cette cible efficacement en fonction des marchés

  • EditeurYougov
  • Version PDF - 57 pages - Anglais
Youth of today, travel of tomorrow

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"As the world reopens after two years of forced stillness, the appetite for travel is rising globally. Travel marketers are now called to maximize their conversions and make up for lost time during the pandemic, focusing on adult travelers who are looking to purchase trips and accommodation in the next few months.

However, a great opportunity lies ahead, with May data showing that since October 2020 propensity to travel in the next 12 months is at its highest among the younger generation of 18-24 years old. This cohort, (we refer to as Gen Z in this paper), is made of young people who will make the big transition between student life and financial independence in the next few years.

Gen Zs are projected to account for 34% of the US workforce by 2030*, (40% of the consumer market in the US) and they are the first digital natives, where physical and digital life have always coexisted. This generation will form its attitudes towards travel in the next few years, and it is incredibly important for marketers to get to know, and monitor their travel preferences as they work on their planning; the positive associations their brands will be able to create today, will result in building engagement, trust and purchase in years to come.

This YouGov report sets out to understand Gen Zs globally, explore what’s important to them and what makes them tick, reveal what Gen Zs want from travel, and identify the best way to connect and engage with this future generation of travelers."

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