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Démystifier Google Shopping

Comment faire pour que des clients achètent des produits via le moteur de recherche le plus connu au monde.

  • EditeuriProspect
  • Version PDF - 23 pages - 2019 - Anglais
Démystifier Google Shopping

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"E-commerce has truly come of age. Twenty years ago, it was a niche practice, adopted by only the most forward-thinking retailers and early-adopter consumers, primarily used for person-to-person transactions on platforms such as eBay. Today, the e-commerce experience is fully ingrained into consumer shopping habits, with more channels than ever for customers to use. According to Internet Retailer, e-commerce is now a $517 billion dollar industry, representing 14.3% of total retail sales and driving nearly 52% of retail sales growth.

In our world of constant connectivity, it’s easier than ever for shoppers to research a product and complete a transaction without once setting foot inside a store, and in order to be successful, brands today have to build a fully integrated commerce strategy that embraces these new shopping behaviors.

While sites such as Amazon and Dollar Shave Club have played a significant part in redefining the online shopping experience by providing one-click ordering and automatic replenishment, there’s another player that has developed a powerful shopping solution: Google."

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