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The NIS2 Directive : Enforcing Cybersecurity Capabilities

An overview of NIS2 requirements and how Bitdefender’s tools and solutions can help meet regulatory compliance.

  • EditeurBitdefender
  • Version PDF - 14 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "The NIS2 Directive : Enforcing Cybersecurity Capabilities" - Bitdefender

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"The Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) is the EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It provides legal measures to boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the European Union (EU).

The cybersecurity rules introduced in 2016 (through NIS) were updated by the NIS2 Directive that came into force in 2023. It modernizes the existing legal framework to keep up with increased digitization and an evolving cybersecurity threat landscape. By expanding the scope of cybersecurity rules to new sectors and entities, it further improves the resilience and incident response capacities of public and private entities, competent authorities, and the European Union as a whole.

The NIS Directive (first EU cybersecurity law) is the first horizontal internal market instrument aimed at improving the resilience of network and information systems in the EU against cybersecurity risks. Despite its notable achievements, the NIS Directive has shown certain limitations. The digital transformation of society, intensified by the COVID-19 crisis, has expanded the threat landscape. New challenges have appeared, which require adapted and innovative responses.

Since the COVID-19 crisis, the European economy has grown more dependent on digital solutions than ever before. Sectors and services are becoming increasingly interconnected and interdependent. This has resulted in a growing and rapidly evolving cybersecurity threat landscape: any disruption, even one initially confined to one entity or one sector, can have cascading effects more broadly, potentially resulting in far-reaching and long-lasting negative impacts in the delivery of services across the whole internal market."

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