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Project bose : A smart way to enable sustainable 5G networks

This white paper explores how “Project Bose” addresses this issue by providing holistic energy-saving mechanisms for telecom operators to achieve their “net zero” goal. It describes the five energy-saving levers that work in tandem to optimize energy consumption in the network and associated “IoT devices”, reduce CO2 emissions and save money, without negatively impacting end-user quality of experience, while providing a platform for building new energy-saving levers in the future.

  • EditeurCapgemini
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2022 - Français
Livre blanc - "Project bose : A smart way to enable sustainable 5G networks " - Capgemini

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"Capgemini, along with its 5G ecosystem partner Intel, has developed an innovative energy optimization solution for a sustainable 5G network. This solution is the first part of Project Bose, Capgemini’s initiative for a green 5G network. This technical project focuses on developing a data-driven intelligent network solution for a 5G RAN and Core network to build a sustainable 5G ecosystem. During current times, where the telco industry is struggling to meet stringent net-zero energy targets, Project Bose, with its holistic approach, will provide a difference on the path to sustainability.

One of the key challenges for telcos today is to tackle the rising carbon footprint in the network. Though there are traditional methodologies available, there is a need for a holistic and innovative solution. Project Bose, as the tagline says, uses a data-driven approach for ‘enabling sustainable 5G networks in a smarter way'. The project is built on Capgemini’s industry-leading network AI framework NetAnticipate with a newly evolving 5G Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) framework. This framework provides various analytic insights for 5G network infrastructure to build a variety of use cases in the 5G ecosystem like service assurance, load balancing, data monetization, and more."

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