14 841 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

The ROI of training

Strategies and evaluation method

  • EditeurgoFLUENT
  • Version PDF- 23 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "The ROI of training" - goFLUENT

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"As global organizations seek to gain a competitive advantage through employee development, more pressure has been placed on HR and learning professionals to provide evidence of the success of their training initiatives. Training evaluation is often conducted to determine the extent of knowledge shared and acquired. However, for business leaders, the information that really matters is whether or not new knowledge was applied and to what extent the application of knowledge has benefited the business operationally and financially.

The true goal of training evaluation is to determine the business impact and return on investment (ROI). With the relevant data, executives can be guided on future business decisions in relation to training investments, cost reduction, and process improvement.

This white paper will give executives and learning professionals an introduction to the concept of ROI in the training industry. The evaluation methods will be introduced and an application will be presented in the context of English language training. The white paper also provides a guide to the different cost-effective training solutions and their potential impact on ROI."

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