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9 Procurement Challenges That You Can Solve With Autonomous Commerce

With Autonomous Commerce, JAGGAER is enabling organizations like yours to do things they never could before along the end-to-end source-to-pay (S2P) process.

  • EditeurJAGGAER
  • Version PDF - 8 pages - 2023 - Anglais

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"Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning power this revolutionary platform to perform complex, resource-intensive tasks autonomously. These comprehensive solutions automate your S2P process and empower you to focus on more strategic, value-added activities.

As organizations are asked to do more with less, especially in the midst of economic uncertainty, there are a number of common procurement challenges that Autonomous Commerce can help solve. Use this checklist to track the top challenges most companies are facing today and see how Autonomous Commerce can help."

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