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UK and Cross-Border Trends

2022 State of Software Engineers.

  • EditeurHired
  • Version PDF - 25 pages - 2022 - Anglais

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"One of the biggest challenges in organisations across the United Kingdom today is the struggle to find and hire talent. In the last year, continued pandemic-related disruptions and post-Brexit regulatory hurdles have exacerbated the already competitive hiring landscape to attract and retain the best talent, and to source the right skills needed in high-demand roles.

Yet amidst these hurdles, Hired found companies are increasingly receptive to hiring people who not only possess a range of skills, but also span a broad range of time zones.

In particular, global remote hiring remains strong in Europe, with employers actively looking to recruit from countries including Ireland, Germany, Spain, and Romania.

At Hired, we pride ourselves on being the most efficient way to fill tech and sales roles today.

With unbiased insights, diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) tools, skills assessments and dedicated Customer Success managers, we work with over 10,000 companies around the world to help businesses embrace how to tackle the ongoing hiring issue globally, while driving longterm business growth.

In this report, we’ve specifically studied software engineers on the Hired marketplace to identify the top issues and trends.

This includes looking at the most in-demand skills and roles, salaries, and shifts to remote hiring. These and other key insights may help employers better understand – and improve the approach to – the competitive hiring process."

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