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Carbon Action Report 2023

How Buyers and Suppliers in the EcoVadis Network Are Accelerating Their Decarbonization Journeys.

  • Editeurecovadis
  • Version PDF - 26 pages - 2023 - Français

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"Over the past three years alone, we have collectively burned half of the carbon budget safeguarding us from a post-1.5ºC future. Staying within the remaining share – and preventing increasingly unpredictable impacts – will require ambitious “climate action on all fronts.”

Among the most critical of these fronts are supply chains, which account for roughly 60% of global emissions and 80% of the average company’s footprint.

However, driving decarbonization at scale across these complex networks remains a distinct challenge even for the growing number of buyers already committed to building a net-zero world.

Many more suppliers throughout global value chains understand the importance of climate action but need help getting started or accelerating their journey. This report explores how the Carbon Action Module is enabling buyers and suppliers to simultaneously make progress toward a low-carbon future.

The Carbon Action Module was launched two years ago to help buyers bridge the climate ambition-action gap and engage suppliers at all maturity levels."

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