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Implementing geological disposal. A Framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste

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Extrait du livre blanc : "This White Paper sets out the UK Government’s framework for managing higher activity radioactive waste in the long term through geological disposal. This will be implemented alongside ongoing interim storage and supporting research.

A geological disposal facility (GDF) is a highly-engineered facility capable of isolating radioactive waste within multiple protective barriers, deep underground, to ensure that no harmful quantities of radioactivity ever reach the surface environment.

The development of a GDF will be a major infrastructure project of national significance. It will provide a permanent solution for the UK’s existing higher activity radioactive waste (including anticipated waste from a new build programme).  

To identify potential sites where a GDF could be located, the UK Government favours a voluntarist approach based on working with communities that are willing to participate in the siting process.

(...) This new siting process will provide more information to communities before they are asked to get involved. With greater clarity on issues like geology and development impacts, community investment and community representation, communities will be able to engage with more confidence in the process to deliver this nationally significant infrastructure project. "

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