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Create your own marketing automation strategy in 4 steps

Marketing automation has become a foundation for any marketing strategy in any digital businesses. Whether you are a SaaS, B2B, D2C, a range of marketing tasks can be automated, generating a better ROI.

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"Marketing has undergone quite a substantial amount of changes, from the brand focus (visual creatives, copywriting) of the 1950s up until the 1990s when the adoption of new technologies of digital marketing (SEO, PPC, Social Media) began. From the 2010s and onwards, inbound has become king with marketing having clear sales-oriented goals, generating leads, and educating them to convert into paying customers.

Nowadays, marketing serves the whole business as it doesn't only support sales efforts but also other essential areas such as support and operations. So here comes Marketing Automation.

Marketing automation is now the cornerstone of digital businesses. It allows a business to improve any step conducted by any team in the customer journey.

Take the example of the AARRR funnel that most businesses try to implement: Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention and Referral. Thanks to Marketing Automation, you can respond and interact with customers following up on key events in their journey: from specific link clinks in email campaigns, automated follow ups based on support requests after x amount of inactivity… and the list could go on and on.

Your automation strategy will reflect your customer journey and their actions."

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