14 830 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Managing liquidity risk

  • EditeurSwift
  • Version PDF - 8 pages - 2011 - Anglais

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"A number of critical data management issues continue to impede the successful development of effective liquidity risk management strategies – and these issues can only be resolved through collaborative solutions.

Resolving them is essential to enable you to comply with emerging regulatory requirements and to maximise the potential of your business in today’s challenging environment.

These are among the key findings of SWIFT’s latest in-depth market survey among cash, liquidity and liquidity risk managers at financial institutions around the world.

This paper sets out those findings, and explores how the industry can best address shortcomings in the area of liquidity risk management. We invite your feedback on the research, this paper and the collaborative solutions being proposed to fill the liquidity risk gap."

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