14 957 Livres Blancs | 2 507 |

Operational Analytics at Scale

L'utilisation des Données et Analytique afin d’améliorer l'analyse opérationnelle pour tous.

L'utilisation des Données et Analytique afin d’améliorer l'analyse opérationnelle pour tous

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"Today, the use cases most often associated with a data and analytics investment are dashboards for executive decision-making, data discovery for analysts, and advanced analytics for data scientists. This helps guide the business.

Although, that represents only a small portion of the enterprise. In fact, analytics adoption usually stalls at about 17 percent.

It would be better if you could scale data and analytics to more people throughout your organization – the ones who run or execute the business. And it would be a game changer if you could also extend data analytics to people outside of your organization – the customers and partners who do business with you.

The analytics these end users receive should align with those that guide the business, but they’re more focused on solving immediate problems, or answering specific questions. Often, they’re needed in real time, for in-themoment decision-making."

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