14 756 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Diversity and inclusion in recruitment

Basé sur une enquête menée auprès de plus de 450 employeurs, ce livre blanc examine les nouveaux outils et technologies qui peuvent aider les entreprises à atteindre de nouvelles sources de talents.


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"Employers are increasingly coming to recognise the strong business case for improving the level of diversity and inclusion within their workforce.

By recruiting professionals from a range of backgrounds at all levels of seniority, businesses gain access to a wide variety of viewpoints and perspectives. Companies with staff from a broad range of backgrounds have been found to outperform firms with a less diverse workforce.

By attracting and retaining a diverse range of staff, businesses can identify opportunities and explore new solutions. Developing, implementing and promoting a diversity strategy is the challenge employers now face.

Securing the most talented professionals will require employers to take on a new, innovative approach to access more diverse talent pools.

This research paper, based on a survey of over 450 employers, will examine new tools and technology that can help businesses reach new sources of talent, explore strategies to develop a company culture that embraces diversity and address the hurdles faced when creating a collaborative, diverse workforce."

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