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Ahead of the Games: Summer Olympics 2024

Exploring audience interest and brand sponsor awareness ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

  • EditeurYougov
  • Version PDF - 35 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Ahead of the Games: Summer Olympics 2024 - Yougov

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"1. Widespread appeal: The Olympics is a sporting event that appeals to all ages, with relatively consistent interest levels across age groups – particularly in the UK and US. 2. Age behaviors: 18–24-year-olds are more influenced by their family/friends to watch the Summer Olympics, whereas older followers feel a stronger sense of national pride and desire to witness athletic feats. 3. Games engagement: Live TV viewing and shorter form recap content will be the most popular ways to engage with the Games.

4. Popular sports: Swimming and athletics are the most anticipated Summer Olympics sports across all markets surveyed, whilst men have a greater preference for football/soccer and women rank gymnastics highly. 5. Brand impact: Coca-Cola is the most associated brand with the Summer Olympics, as the most recalled sponsor in 9 of the 10 markets studied. 6. Sponsor spotlight: Sponsoring the Olympics has a beneficial impact on impression of brands, with positive perception of sponsor Visa 14% higher on average amongst followers of the Games."

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