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Need a Better Recruiter Capacity Model? Here's How to Build One

In the fast-paced world of tech and sales recruitment, understanding and optimizing your recruiter capacity is crucial for hiring success.

  • EditeurHired
  • Version PDF - 16 pages - 2023 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Need a Better Recruiter Capacity Model? Here's How to Build One - Hired

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"It's about striking the right balance, and ensuring your team is fully utilized without being overwhelmed. A survey reveals that 87% of recruiters acknowledge that talent acquisition has become a more strategic function over the past year, yet only a few have a clear strategy in place. In addition, the ‘Tech Winter’ of late 2022 and early 2023 saw recruiting teams hit hard.

The ramifications? Remaining recruiters were stretched thin, opportunities slipped through the cracks, and organizational growth was stunted. As firms grapple with the twin pressures of speeding up hiring timelines and upholding hire quality, an alarming number of recruiters find themselves in the thick of it, feeling the burn (or burnout).

VP of People at Clari Laura McKinnon cautions companies from cutting recruiting teams to the bone during economic downturns. “If we would have brought our recruiting team down to the need we had at the moment, we wouldn’t have had enough people to respond to the demand,” she says.

She also counsels peers to get on board with finance, the head of engineering, and others to fund resources early. “With 20/20 hindsight, [I would] make sure we asked for the increased spending to spin up that machine because it was idle.”"

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