14 974 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

Digital experience management: Organization and governance

Written for those responsible for successfully managing today’s digital experience challenges, this guide updates Sitecore’s point of view on the organization and governance of digital experience programs.

  • EditeurSitecore
  • Version PDF - 59 pages - 2022 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Written for those responsible for successfully managing today’s digital experience challenges, this guide updates Sitecore’s point of view on the organization and governance of digital experience programs.

We cover the organizational and governance best practices for successfully executing digital experience programs. The aim is to provide practical insights, gleaned from years of experience working with Sitecore customers, to those responsible for developing and scaling a high-performance digital experience team. Whether you’re just beginning your journey to customer experience maturity or leading a large, complex, and mature organization, there’s insight here for you.

After a succinct overview of Sitecore’s perspective on the current challenges facing marketing organizations, namely the content crisis and the need for personalization at scale, we discuss the following:

• Digital Experience Maturity Model®

• The core and extended team roles required for success (including data science and commerce, as well as technology and marketing partners)

• The organizational development approach to scaling up teams to match higher maturity stages

• Various aspects of managing programs of large scale, scope, and velocity

This guide is a companion to several others published by the Sitecore Business Optimization Strategies (SBOS™) team addressing various aspects of justifying, building, executing, and evaluating digital experience programs."

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