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Customer Engagement post Covid-19

Le guide complet de l'engagement client à l'ère du digital post Covid-19.

  • EditeurAlcimed
  • Version PDF - 37 pages - 2020 - Anglais
Customer Engagement post Covid-19

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"The role of the pharmaceutical industry is to deliver therapeutic innovations and bring them to real-life medical practices. Therefore, a critical component of pharma players’ operating model is using customer engagement to create a lasting bond, infused with value and trust, with the healthcare ecosystem. It is this bond which enables to transform these innovations into care practices and bring efficient and safe treatment options to patients to improve their lives

With this paper we aim to help decision makers within pharma companies reach this goal and excel in its execution while adapting it to today’s digitalized world, made even more online-driven by the covid-19 pandemic.

This paper was conceived as a pragmatic recipe based on the questions that pharmaceutical companies from all over the world are facing daily. It is not meant to reinvent theoretical bases or to be only used as inspiration, but rather to provide in the same document: basics on this matter, practical tips, a path for creation and deployment, elements of inspiration from other sectors, insights related to the digital transformation of customer engagement, and food for thought for the post covid-19 crisis. These elements form a methodological canvas, useful for reshaping and implementing new customer engagement models for 2020 and beyond."

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