14 974 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

Consumer electronics

Safety and sustainability in 2023.

  • EditeurYougov
  • Version PDF - 53 pages - 2023 - Français
Livre blanc - Consumer electronics - Yougov

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"In the competitive electronics goods sector, it’s important for manufacturers and marketers to understand the mindset of consumers and what influences them when purchasing electronics.

Sustainability and data safety are hot topics in the industry and are becoming higher in importance when purchasing, with an increasing focus on more environmentally friendly options and products that offer enhanced data security measures. Manufacturers and brands will need to meet the challenge of rising consumer preferences in these two fields.

This global report examines consumer buying behaviour of electronics goods, identifies the factors that influence purchases, uncovers where sustainability and data privacy rank in the purchasing decision hierarchy, explores consumer attitudes to green technology, data privacy, and the preferred security measures for device protection.

Using recent YouGov research across 18 international markets, this study will help marketers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) gain a better understanding of consumer behaviour and attitudes around these themes."

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