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Continuous Security Monitoring in a Continuous World

Threats are moving quickly, so cybersecurity efforts need to keep up.

  • EditeurBitdefender
  • Version PDF - 20 pages - 2022 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"As you know, today’s enterprises are highly virtualized, with servers and applications continuously being integrated, deployed, and updated.

Workloads shift from public cloud infrastructure to on-premise storage systems and back again, while your users are connecting new and more devices every day. Couple those agile and ever-changing systems with an increased likelihood of security-related errors with skilled and persistent attackers and the risk of breached and disrupted systems increase dramatically.

With all those factors considered, it becomes undeniable to conclude that manual security measures just can’t ensure that systems and applications remain managed in line with internal security policies and hardened against attack.

Additionally, modern IT environments, such as DevOps, means applications and infrastructure changes more rapidly than ever before. As fast as systems are being developed, deployed, and updated, then security checks need to be run in parallel and just as swiftly.

Gone are the days of running monthly security assessments. This is the only way that enterprises can expect to successfully defend themselves against attackers now."

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